Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Graduation/End of the Year

The kids finished the school year and are enjoying summer break.  Here are a few pictures from the end of the year program. 

Josiah and his fellow 8th graders at their "graduation." (Jonny Umble, Josiah, Brooklin Williams and Karen Isbell)

Olivia and a couple of her fellow 5th grade classmates.  (Loren Hayes and Joshua Isbell)

Josiah and his teacher Mr. Umble

Olivia's class with their teacher Ms. Hazlett (Skyler Williams, Olivia, Loren Hayes, Joshua Isbell & Erik Umble)

Also, one of the last projects of the year was the science fair.  Olivia's project was about how does an anticipated tickle versus a known tickle affect your heart rate.  Josiah's project was how does the size of a nozzle affect how far a balloon will travel.  They both did a great job, but we were all very glad when it was over!!

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College Graduation

 Josiah recently completed his degree at Boise State University!  He graduated with a History/Sociology Secondary Education degree and alrea...