You're probably tired of hearing about the Kodiak. It has been the center of our attention for the last year and even we get tired of it at times. There are so many new things to take care of and rules to be followed and government regulations and other "stuff" that it can be overwhelming. But, we didn't want to get lost in all the day to day things that we failed to give Glory to the one that allowed this gift to be given in the first place. So, on the 15th of August we planned a ceremony to dedicate the new hangar and the Kodiak to God's service. Our special guests were the folks from MAF Canada who are leasing us the airplane and the donors from Canada that paid for the majority of the airplane. We also invited old and new friends of MAF/ADSE, so it was great to re-connect with past national workers, missionaries, and local believers. During the ceremony we sang "Great is Thy Faithfulness" with tears in our eyes at all that God has done here in Ecuador and what He's about to do.
I (Chad) am so thankful for my family. They have put up with a lot of
Kodiak craziness for a year and I'm thankful for them putting up with a
distracted dad. They deserve to be celebrated as well.
It's always great to see former employees and friends.
Beto and his wife Anna, and Panchito
Steve and Lindsay Bilimek are a teacher family from our home church in Ohio.
They are new here, but they are old friends and it was fun to get to share this day with them as well.
Three Achuar church leaders who were our guest for the dedication.
Friends who minister with Compassion International and Ecuador para Cristo.
Waorani leaders who flew out with us for the dedication.
A local Pastor prays for the current Kodiak pilots and mechanics.
We got permission for a local demonstration flight.
Mateo (left) and Anita (right) have been with ADSE for more than 20 years.
Here they are with the couple that helped pay for the Kodiak, Art and Connie.
The airport fire department came to "baptize" the Kodiak after the flight.
After the planes baptism the firemen announced on the loudspeaker that they wanted the pilots to come out for a bath as well. So, Daniel and I got drenched.
Wow! This is so awesome! Greetings from Russia!