Sunday, November 8, 2015

Please Pray!

Please pray!  Tomorrow morning (Monday the 9th) there is a meeting between some of our management and the FAA equivalent here to discuss the Kodiak.  Please pray that some kind of compromise can be reached and the Kodiak can be used very soon.  I'm praying for a miraculous answer to prayer that could only be obviously from God!   We'll keep you posted....


  1. Is it correct then, that the Kodiak hasn't flown MAF programs since arriving? i.e. lacks DGAC oeprational permission, that is different from using the C206s?

  2. You are correct Jack. The guys were able to fly it initially for training flights and a special flight for the donors that helped fund the plane. But, it hasn't been used operationally. A lot of the problem has to do with the fact that we are working toward our Part 135 (commercial) certification. This was mandated to us by Civil Aviation a few months back, and it is proving to be a long and complicated process and the Kodiak is kind of stuck in the middle. You can read my latest post for the good news....there's light at the end of the tunnel.


College Graduation

 Josiah recently completed his degree at Boise State University!  He graduated with a History/Sociology Secondary Education degree and alrea...