Tuesday, February 16, 2016

We're Flying!!!

Praise the Lord we are now able to start flying the Kodiak.  Chad finished his check-ride on Friday afternoon and received his type rating on Monday morning.  Monday afternoon we did three short flights to take the hangar staff and family on celebratory flights.  Afterwards we gathered to pray and thank the Lord for His goodness.  "Thank You" to all that have stood with us in prayer during this L O N G process.  We will most likely have our first operational flights this week.  Please continue to pray for safety as we begin to use this new tool for His Glory!!!


  1. This is wonderful news! We are so happy for you guys.

  2. Chad and Andi!! All of us at STC are rejoicing with you in this milestone!! We're thankful that the Lord continues to use us all for His good will. Blessings!! Now on the the next challenge. ;)


College Graduation

 Josiah recently completed his degree at Boise State University!  He graduated with a History/Sociology Secondary Education degree and alrea...