Here are some pictures Chad took this week. He was helping the Avionics guys from MAF install a new HF radio in the community of Makusar. This will allow the community to communicate with us in case of emergencies etc. The community is about an hours flight from Shell and just a few miles from the Peruvian boarder. The jungle radio system we have was paid for by donors in the US. In all, we have installed close to 70 radios. The communities also call twice a day to give us weather reports and pass messages to other communities. Just call us the Verizon of the jungle!
Juan and Chad
These photos are from yesterday. Chad was able to open a new airstrip for the Shuar community of Kawa. After making several circuits and low passes, Chad landed and measured and inspected the runway. The community was very happy that their hard work had paid off and thankfully they passed inspection.
Wow-what major accomplishments/milestones! Lots of work behind the scenes to get to there. PTL! Thanks for letting us "see" it all!