Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pinewood Derby

The kid's school held it's biennial Pinewood derby race recently.  This is a race where the kids buy a kit that consists of a block of wood, 4 wheels and 4 nails.  Then, it's up to them and their dads to come up with a design and try to make their car the fastest.  If you know Chad, you know he loves to work with wood and loves helping the kids.  So, fun was had by all.  The kids even won a couple of races and Olivia won for the "fastest looking car."

The first few pictures are of the night before the race.  Everyone had to bring their cars to the school and make modifications if their car was either too heavy or too light.

Chad and Eric melting lead to put in cars that were under weight.

Some of the finished cars.

Tracey was in charge of filling in the bracket.

Olivia and her "fast" car.

Josiah and Mary Kellen at the finish line.  We could really use an electric eye like PVC has!!

Wim is from the Netherlands and had never heard of this type of race before....he enjoyed it waaaaaaay too much!!

Olivia and Erik waiting for their cars.

Josiah's car getting ready to race.  (the grey one)

Josiah and his male classmates:  Tanner, Robby, Josiah, Jonny, and Kevin.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun time. Our AWANA kids really enjoy doing it each year.

    Have a wonderful day.

    ~Harold and Cheryl


College Graduation

 Josiah recently completed his degree at Boise State University!  He graduated with a History/Sociology Secondary Education degree and alrea...