Sunday, November 2, 2014

Jorge & April

We don't really call ourselves "Wedding Photographers" but we do an occasional wedding for close friends.  Jorge is a mechanic in training in our hangar and also Josiah's drumming teacher.  He and April (former teacher at Nate Saint Memorial) were married back in August and asked us to take the pictures.

We hope they liked their wedding gift from us!  Here are a few of our favorites. 

1 comment:

  1. What? You're not wedding photographers? How many weddings does it take to be considered one? I love seeing your work - you make people look so good. Josiah is a drummer? Casen is too! Your blog always make me homesick for Ecuador. Praying for you and the kids while Chad is in ID. Hugs, M


College Graduation

 Josiah recently completed his degree at Boise State University!  He graduated with a History/Sociology Secondary Education degree and alrea...