Compassion International has a program, where they take popular bloggers on trips around the world to meet Compassion "children". The idea is that then the bloggers will document their trip on their blog and it will get others interested in sponsoring a child. This past week they were right here in our backyard...ok, not literally, but they were here in Ecuador. I read about a couple of their days on several of the participant's blogs - but was really captured by one in particular. It's written by Ann Voskamp who is also the author of the book "One Thousand Gifts."
You can read her blog entry
It's amazing to me how I could've had the same experience as she had, but could not have put the words together like she did to paint such a touching picture. It made me want to go rescue Johnathon.
I know I've said it before, but Compassion is an AWESOME program. And, reading these blog entries just reaffirms that thought.
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