As we were preparing for the Kodiak dedication, there was lots of work
to do to get the hangar ready. Since it all was to happen right before
school started, we had a couple of extra helpers! The kids were great
helpers and even got some paint on the walls.
The funniest part of the whole painting project happened the day I was
painting right beside the entrance to the waiting room. ALAS has a
contract to fly for some tourist companies and there were some "gringos"
milling around waiting for their flight. One of the tourists came out
and asked me how I (a gringa) found myself painting the outside of a
hangar in the middle of Ecuador. These tour groups already feel like
they're in the middle of nowhere by the time they get to Shell. The
flight into the jungle is the last leg of several days of travel from
their homes. So, to them it probably seems strange to see a white
person doing a very "manual labor" type job in the middle of the
"jungle". I thought it was funny and told Chad about it. A few days
later, Chad is flying the same group out of the jungle and they start to
ask him why he's in the middle of Ecuador flying little airplanes.
Chad had a chance to share a little about what we do and Who we do it
for. It was a good conversation and highlights one of the reasons we
do tourist flights. We get to have a mission field in our airplanes as
we have the chance to share with these passengers. The funny thing was
that at the end of Chad's conversation the guys said, "Oh... I bet your
wife was the one we saw painting the hangar!" You never know what part
of your normal day might be a witness to someone else!
Dad comes to supervise the workers between flights. |
It took three to four coats of red and blue to finish. |
The door for the new hangar was donated to ALAS by HIgher Power Door Company. We just had to ship it to Ecuador. It's sweet!! |
It's like the whole wall just tilts up out of the way. |
Our new, lighted, sign goes up shortly before the dedication. |
Roller Selfie. |
The kids did a great job helping out and didn't complain...too much. |
Some paint even ended up on the walls. |
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